Blog #1, Quail Street Coffee Roasters & the current state of the World.

Hello from The Quails Nest in beautiful Escondido, Ca.

It's a rainy Monday afternoon & I've decided to finally reach out to everyone & do a couple of things. First & foremost thank each and everyone of you for supporting Quail Street Coffee Roasters & helping us take flight.  LOL! Quails don't fly. This past year has been an amazing experience & I'll be blogging more on that in the near future. Secondly, I want to wish you & your families a safe and healthy time of quarantine which brings me to the topic at hand. What can I possibly say that hasn't already been said or you haven't already heard? However, it is with the intention of peace of mind for both you & me to convey the following. Keeping our roastery / work area clean & sanitized has always been the golden rule. We're producing, packaging & handling a food product that you're going to be consuming, however that's not an excuse to not go the extra step right now. We're practicing social distancing to a level of "I think I am loosing it" ( I'm talking to my Dog more & more ) and I'm taking the necessary precautions to make sure I limit how much something is handled but rest assured I am wearing gloves & covering my mouth with my trusty Buff. 

These are very challenging times for all of us. Some of you may not be working & some of you are having to home school your kids while you try to get your own work done because you're working from home. In short this isn't about Quail Street, its about you as a fellow humanitarian with needs & feeling and emotions & at the end of the day Niki & I are people too and we put our pants on one leg at a time just like you. We're in this together & we will get through this together & we will continue to do our best to do our part as caring people. Feel free to reach out to us anytime, some of you I know on a personal level & some of you I've never met so if you just want to introduce yourself and say "Hi" please feel free to do so.

Thank you, be safe, stay healthy & be good to one another.



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